Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Nation revived - An embarrassment over MONTEREY POP

In a recent Post on this blog reviewing the Criterion DVD of Monterey Pop,  Rod Bishop recalled a conversation with an old acquaintance about a first viewing of the now classic rock documentary directed by D A Pennebaker,(USA,1968).  Rod's acquaintance mentioned in his note admitted near incomprehension at much of the music on offer in the movie. Well turns out that my views, for mine they were even though Rod was too polite to point this out, remain on the record and for that very same record here they are in a copy of one of my Nation film reviews from 1969.  (Click on the mage for hopefully enlargement and some clarity.)

George Munster's blessed publication remains a standout in our political discourse and my own modest and frequently naive contributions to it still give a certain amount of pride.

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