Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Happy Birthday from Film Alert

Hi folks

This blog has now been posting for two years today. The very first post has thus far had 21 page views so yep it started from a low base. Since then, as of this very moment, there have been 79,491 page views of 695 posts and I know you are without doubt dying to know the ten most popular. Here's the list. Click on the item to refresh your memory.

Paul Harris takes it up to Gary Maddox in the Sydney Melbourne divide

This started as a personal indulgence but with the support of a lot of people, the blog has become a bit of a clearing house for thoughts about cinephilia from all points. My thanks therefore to all the contributors who have selflessly supported all this activity without thought of recompense beyond the sheer joy of getting messages across about the magic of the cinema. Here's what I think is the complete list.

Colin Bennett, Max Berghouse, Rod Bishop, Noel Bjorndahl, Wendy Borchers, Michael Campi, Gloria Chalmers, Ben Cho, Eddie Cockrell,  John Conomos, Anne Demy-Geroe, Alan Fish (RIP), Kiki Fung, Stephen Gaunson, Ben Gibson,  Bill Hannan, David Hare, Paul Harris, Shaun Heenan, Bruce Hodsdon, Peter Hourigan, Clyde Jeavons, Tom Jeffrey, Tina Kaufman, Michael Loebenstein, Neil McGlone, Adrienne McKibbins, Adrian Martin, Scott Murray, Barrie Pattison, Tony Rayns, Graham Shirley, David Stratton, Simon Taaffe, Quentin Turnour, and  Storry Walton 

Have a nice day folks and enjoy a movie

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